Saturday 14 May 2011

Weigh in day: week 1

There's nothing like a week one weigh in as, for me, it's normally an exciting whopper loss. True to form it was as the scales registered 19 s 0.5lbs (266lbs).  While it's something I have come to expect, I'm aware that anticipating a huge weight loss is both unrealistic and sure to doom my efforts.

Take last night for example. I'm a scale watcher - checking them daily (if not more). Yesterday morning I was pleased when I woke up and it said 19s 1.75lbs. After all, it's nice to see that eating healthily with plenty of veg is paying off.

So why did I re-check the scales at 6pm that night... just after dinner! Scales read 19s 5lbs! While rational me attempted to draw conclusions (e.g. drinking a lot of water, the size of the meal, etc), irrational me went into overdrive (e.g. What's the point, anyway? You're always going to be fat...). Thankfully, it was only for a minute or two and before I could do any real damage by raiding the fridge.

In the past I have allowed situations like this to bring about the end of my diet. One technique I picked up from my hypnotherapy for weight loss is questioning what is true before these bad thoughts are the undoing of you. For example:

Negative thought: I am always going to be fat.
Question: Is that true?
Answer: Not really, not if I try.
Question: Is that really true?
Answer: Definitely no.
Question: What person would I be without that negative thought?
Answer: I'd be more confident in my ability to lose weight and I'd be happy because I wouldn't have anyone nagging me.

Just as I'm carrying lots of extra weight, I carry plenty of negative thoughts about myself, my life and my body. These have been addressed within the hypnotherapy/NLP sessions to some extent but it's down to me to keep them in check.  One thing I can say for certain is that my weight loss is nothing compared to the weighty negative thoughts I've lost over the past few weeks.

So 9lbs lost this week - but that's not my only accomplishment. I've been challenging my taste buds over the past few weeks and last night tried tuna steaks (Asian style with stirfry and noodles) for the first time. Wow! Delicious and incredibly healthy!

My goal next week? I'd like to lose at least 1lb. Anything more is a bonus. Oh - and I want to try salmon and rhubarb. Not together, of course! They're two foods which I've really disliked in the past - so I'm going to see if my taste buds enjoy them now.  If I find any good recipes, I'll post them on here!

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