Monday 6 June 2011

Weight Watchers - VENT!

Knowing I was heading for my first Weight Watchers group meeting today filled me with both excitement and trepidation. As a mum-of-one, I had to plan in advance for the meeting after work. So when I got home tonight at 5:45, I knew that I had approximately 25 minutes to make and eat dinner for the two of us, before sorting out the babysitter and hitting the road in the car.

Arriving at the meeting place, my local Tesco, I was quietly happy to see plenty of faces waiting in the restaurant as I walked past - at least I knew I was in the right place.  I ran through the zillion questions in my head. This ProPoints thing is new to me, so I want to make sure I actually get it right. Hopefully the leader would be there and might be available for a quick chat beforehand or - at worst - after.

Sadly, there was no Weight Watchers leader.... or even a set of scales! Just a gaggle of women who hadn't eaten and were desperate to get weighed super quickly.  as you can imagine, tempers were fraying and even I was shocked when one of the ladies just grabbed a set of WW scales off the shelf and started weighing everyone who felt the need. Odder still were those who actually owned a set of WW scales at home - yet insisted being weighed just so their day was marked.

I couldn't help but wonder if this was some kind of omen. "Of course not," I thought as I dialled the customer services number from my car...

Until, that is, my call was mysteriously cut off as I was trying to explain that obstacles aren't really helpful to anyone trying to lose weight... After all, it's an easy escape route, isn't it? And what a terrible place to offer dieters an easy escape route! Less than 25 m from the cake aisle! Who chose this place, anyway? Or is it part of the marketing plan for Weight Watchers?

Luckily I think my willpower isn't quite so weak. And, anyway, I think I'm strong enough to avoid cheating. My reason for heading to weight watchers is about portion control - rather than nibbling on choccies. The chocolate aversion therapy sorted that out weeks ago.

So, onwards and upwards. Looks like tomorrow night I'm heading back to Weight Watchers for round 2. Fingers crossed this leader actually turns up or I reckon the crowds might be out for blood!

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