Thursday 12 August 2010

What do your waist size hold in store for you?

According to BBC News, it could be a premature death. This article is really harsh reading for me as my waist - while on the retreat - currently measures 43 inches.  Hopefully I won't be in the danger zone for much longer, though! I have to shrink my waist by about 4 more inches.

So, how am I going to do this? I'm totally addicted to the show Bulging Brides and love the results that Tommy Europe generates. It is about time that I work that core as it will make the greatest impact on my shape.  I've been sticking to the cardio since getting on this journey, albeit at a less-shredding pace.

With this in mind, I'm going to set a WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE to shrink myself by 3 inches on the bust, 3 on the waist and 3 on the hips by 23/09/10.  My new measurements - should I choose to accept them - will be:

Bust: 44
Waist: 39
Hips: 47

I'm hoping this will generate some big weight losses in that time, but I'm realistically hoping for a stone (14lbs). My new weight will be 17 stone 5 lbs (243lbs).


Christy said...

I've been watching Bulging Brides too and it's super motivating. Lost a couple of pounds just trying some of the exercises and food tips they give. I was working out at least 3 times a week but after awhile I wasn't losing anymore weight. Nadeen Bowman the nutritionist on bulging Brides helped me to fix my eating and now I'm losing 2 pounds every week! She said that nutrition is like 80% of weight loss and i just changed a few things to eat better and it feels great! I'm doing the Bulge Buster Meal Plan now and only half way through but already lost 5 pounds in a week. I'll go back to my Last Few Pounds meal plan after another week so I don't gain the weight back. Just wanted to say good job to you and that if you want to lose inches faster watch what you eat too.

Karen Cotton said...

Wow - you've had some great results! I'm definitely watching my food intake now as I learned that hard way that simply exercising doesn't quite cut it! Good luck with yoour plan - I might have to look into it. Do you have a link?

Christy said...

I wish I could exercise once a day and eat whatever I want but it just isn't going to happen! Nadeen's website is or just Google her. The bulge buster is pretty manageable and you still get to eat some yummy food and drink wine too!!!

I'm taking the weekend off then going back to my meal plan. Lost 8.5 pounds on the bulge buster in two weeks so feeling really good :)

Good luck and let me know how it goes.